Clinics We Offer

Asthma Clinic

Appointments are available with the practice nurse, normally by GP referral, but you can make an appointment directly at reception, if you feel that it is necessary. 

Blood Tests (Phlebotomy)

By appointment with our Phlebotomist.

Cervical Screening

  • Appointments are available with the practice nurses.  In addition we send invitations to patients who are due for a cervical smear following recommended guidelines from the National Cervical Screening Programme.  The general recommendation is: 
  • First screening at age 25
  • Every 3 years between the ages of 25 – 49 
  • Every 5 years between the ages of 50 - 64 

Child Immunisation

Appointments are available with our Practice Nurses. 

Counselling Service

By Clinician referral or Self Referral

Diabetic Clinic

By appointment with the Practice Nurse. 

Family Planning

Routine appointment with the Doctor or Practice Nurse. 

Flu Clinic

in the Autumn we run flu clinics which are widely advertised around the surgery.


Antenatal and early postnatal care by appointment with the Midwife or a Doctor. 

Minor Injuries

By appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Minor Surgery (inc Joint Injections and Vaccectomy Clinics)

A surgery is held for removal of abnormal benign skin lesions and joint injections.  Referral is by consultation with your Doctor. 

Palliative Care

An extensive palliative care service is provided by the Community Nursing Team in partnership with our colleagues from the specialist services. 


Is provided by the hospital on GP referral.  For physio advice (only) telephone Physio Direct on 01202 704036.

Pneumonia Vaccinations

Undertaken during the autumn and by appointment with the Practice Nurse. 


Available at Shelley Road Clinic by GP referral. 

Spirometry/COPD Clinic (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

By appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Vaccinations & Immunisations

By appointment with the Practice Nurse.